How do I get a list of all machines I have with you and their current oils in use?

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You can view and download a full list of your current assets you have loaded into including the current fluid brands in use etc. This can be useful if you want to have a review of which assets you have on the programme and perhaps amend some or potentially identify any machines that have since been replaced etc.

To access your full equipment list, this can be done here:

Fill in the relevant fields, note make and model are populated in the Unit No field and Make and Model Desc are used for Machine type data. If you want to see everything then leave all the boxes blank. All the fields are wildcard searches by default i.e. searching for 123 will find anything containing 123 including ABC1234. If you want to narrow the search you can change the drop boxes (e.g. highlighted as 1 in the picture below) from contains to Begins with, Ends with or equals.

If you want to find all the machines only and don’t want any oil or compartment information then leave Include compart information (2) un-ticked. Otherwise Tick it to see all compartments and the default fluid types set for each.

Once you have the search criteria you need click Search (3). You will then get a list (potentially with multiple pages – (4)), which you can view or choose to export to excel (5), which downloads the document in a “.csv” format. Depending on your browser the file may automatically download or you will get a dialogue box asking you where you want to save the file.


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