What browsers do you support?

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What windows version do I need?

Our websites are designed to work on the most popular current still supported browsers and operating systems. You don’t need to have the latest of everything for it to work, but software that e.g. Microsoft, Apple or Google no longer support we do not focus on supporting. Hence our assumption is e.g. on a PC the operating system would be Windows 10 the operating system on every new computer since 2014.

In terms of Mac any recent OS version still supported by Apple will be sufficient.

What browser do I need?

In terms of browsers, we assume you are running a supported browser i.e. one that still receives updates from Apple, Google or Microsoft etc. The testing of our sites is done predominantly in Google chrome which is our recommended browser and makes up approximately 3/4 of all internet usage in the world. We also perform testing on iOS iPhone and iPad safari too for some of the more commonly used functionalities. Some older browsers like internet explorer and the old legacy version of edge that Microsoft has retired off may experience issues with certain functionalities of the site especially as they stop receiving updates whilst web standards keep changing.

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