How to find lab and out of hours drop offs

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We are open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm throughout the year except on UK bank holidays for customer visits, telephone calls and courier deliveries.

Sometimes a sample may be urgent that you want to drop off with us out of hours. You can find details of our address below which via sat nav will bring you onto station road.

View below from station road (google street maps view where sat nav takes you to).

You will see a gated industrial park. If you are dropping off samples at night this will likely be padlocked, which the code for entry for OAL customers is the last 4 digits of the telephone number for Truck parts Wales sign (to the left of the gate).

You will also be able to see Oil Analysis Laboratories building arrowed to the right with the sample drop off black post box to the left of the entrance.

Visitors dropping off a sample out of hours can walk along the front to the entrance arrowed or for parking turn right after entering the Busines park and park in the visitor spaces (see P below) at the back of the building and then walk along the side of the building to the front entrance (see blue dotted arrow below).


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