If you are trying to print pre-reg samples and its in one of our bottles, then that’s the issue. Print is very rare to need to do and you should ALWAYS press send to lab and then print labels after. Never press print first as you will likely lose all your information. In the app the print button is disabled to prevent this error, but on PC/Mac you still have the option to print, but this is only for when submitting a sample not in our bottle when you have had exceptional demand and run out of bottles. Still you should never press print for any reason before pressing send to lab as if there is any issue with your print server, printer ran out of paper, delay in print spool etc you will not process the print and the request of the pre-reg data to the lab won’t be sent. So the moral of the story is to NEVER EVER press print before trying send to lab. In the circumstances send to lab does not work, then you can go to view queue and individually print each label until you find the problem one, and you can delete that one and try again. This will be usually you typed a character the system doesn’t like into the system.