
Logging in type your username and password for into the app. If struggle to login try shake phone 5 times side to side and refresh (embed this picture in the HTML reply to show customer how ) and confirm good internet signal. If still issues pull side menu and use log out ( – embed this image to show them if needed)

Deleting user: you can delete your username or log out in the logout area. Note you must be logged in to delete a user and will have option to confirm your replacement at the company to migrate data to them. You will be asked to type I Accept when doing so to confirm you have legally given permission to delete your data and take responsibility for any consequences therein by doing so e.g. being unable to access lab data.

Side menu pull out from left to access all the menus (embed this image if needed

The main parts of the website including create samples, which is the login create samples on left, samples in transit, sample results are all there as per the normal portal access.