How to download a sample report

This article will help you login and download a sample report for a sample.

  1. Login to the sample portal here and click on the sample results page.
  2. You will now see a list of all your recent sample reports. If you want to see older reports or narrow down a long list of samples you can use the search box to narrow down your search. If the search does not appear to be changing, press the “enter” key on your keyboard when in one of the grey boxes you just changed to submit the search criteria and the page will update. You can also narrow down on the sample flag criteria from Normal A to critical X (note all unticked or all ticked for A, B,C,X will show all report flag statuses). The confirmed/unconfirmed is basically read/unread reports.
  3. Once you see the report you want click on the letter e.g. X on the top row below to take you to the sample summary page.
  4. You can read the sample information and lab data on screen, click confirm to confirm you have read and actioned the report or choose to download the report as a pdf. You will require a pdf viewer like adobe pdf on your computer to open this, however, if you are using a browser like chrome or edge these can handle pdf files too. Please make sure you disable any popup blockers on the site as this can prevent the pdf from opening.


Troubleshooting: Pressing the back button on my browser loses the page I was on

Tip: if your pdf opens in your browser then pressing the back button on your browser will take you back to the start. If you want to go back to the sample you are on click the lab number on the report itself and it will open up the page you were just on.